Journal articles

Henkens K, van Dalen H.P, Ekerdt D.J, Hershey D.A, Hyde M, Radl J, van Solinge H, Wang M, & Zacher H. (2017). What We Need to Know about Retirement: Pressing Issues for the Coming Decade. THE GERONTOLOGIST. gnx095. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnx095

Hyde M & Dingemans E. (2017). Hidden in plain sight? Does stricter employment protection legislation lead to an increased risk of hidden unemployment in later life? WORK, AGING AND RETIREMENT. 3(3):231-242

Griep, Y., Hanson, L.M., Vantilborgh, T., Janssens, L., Jones, S.K. and Hyde, M. (2017). Can volunteering in later life reduce the risk of dementia? A 5-year longitudinal study among volunteering and non-volunteering retired seniors. PloS one, 12(3), p.e0173885.

Higgs P, Hyde M, Wiggins DB and Blane D. (2016) Review of Researching Quality of Life in Early Old Age: The Importance of the Sociological Dimension. 50th Anniversary Virtual Issue. Social Policy & Administration Top Cited Papers with Commentary and Author Review.

Hyde M, Higgs P, Wiggins D & Blane D. (2015). A decade of research using the CASP scale. Key findings and future directions. Aging & Mental Health. 19:7, 571-575, DOI:10.1080/13607863.2015.1018868

Hamren K, Chungkham HS & Hyde M. (2015) Religion, spirituality, social support and quality of life. The measurement and predictors of CASP-12(v2) amongst older Ethiopians living in Addis Ababa. AGING AND MENTAL HEALTH, 19(7):610-21

Hyde M, Magnusson Hanson L, Chungkham HS, Leineweber C and Westerlund H. (2015) The impact of involuntary job loss in later life on the risk of major depression and being prescribed anti-depressant medication. AGING AND MENTAL HEALTH, 19(5): 381-389

Stenholm, S, Westerlund H, Head J, Hyde M, Kawachi I, Pentti J, Kivimaki M & Vahtera J. (2015) Co-morbidity and functional trajectories from midlife to old age: The Health and Retirement Study. JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY: MEDICAL SCIENCES, 70(3):332-8, doi: 10.1093/gerona/glu113

Griep Y, Hyde M, Vantilborgh T, Bidee J, De Witte H & Pepermans R. (2015) Voluntary Work and the Relationship with Unemployment, Health, and Well-Being: A Two-Year Follow-Up Study Contrasting a Materialistic and Psychosocial Pathway Perspective. JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY, 20(2):190-204. DOI: 10.1037/a0038342.

Taloyan M, Hyde M, Leineweber C & Westerlund H. (2015). Self-rated health amongst male and female employees in Sweden: a nationally representative study. INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. 88(7):849-59

Ki M, Baek S, Yun Y, Kim N, Hyde M & Na B. (2014) Age-related differences in diabetes care outcomes in Korea: a retrospective cohort study. BMC GERIATRICS, 14:111 doi:10.1186/1471-2318-14-111

Lima FM, Hyde M, Chungkham HS, Novaes M, Correia CC, Junqueira F, Campos MS et al. (2014). Quality of life amongst older Brazilians: A cross-national validation of the CASP-19 into Brazilian-Portuguese. PLOS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094289.

Stenholm S, Westerlund W, Salo P, Hyde M, Pentti J, Head J, Kivimäki M & Vahtera J. (2014). Age-related trajectories of physical functioning in work and retirement – the role of sociodemographic factors, lifestyle and disease, JECH. doi:10.1136/jech-2013-203555

McClimens A, Hyde M. (2012) Intellectual disability, consumerism and identity: to have and have not? JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY; 16,135-44.

Westerlund H, Nyberg A, Bernin P, Hyde M, Oxenstierna G, Jappinen P, Vaananen A, Theorell T. (2010). Managerial leadership is associated with employee stress, health, and sickness absence independently of the demand-control-support model. WORK-A JOURNAL OF PREVENTION ASSESSMENT & REHABILITATION, 37, 71-79 doi: 10.3233/WOR-2010-1058

Hanson LLM, Theorell T, Bech P, Rugulies R, Burr H, Hyde M, Oxenstierna G, Westerlund H. (2009). Psychosocial working conditions and depressive symptoms among Swedish employees. INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, 82, 951-960. doi: 10.1007/s00420-009-0406-9

Higgs PF, Hyde M, Gilleard CJ, Victor CR, Wiggins RD, Jones IR. (2009). From passive to active consumers? Later life consumption in the UK from 1968-2005. SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, 57, 102-124

Hanson L, Theorell T, Oxenstierna G, Hyde M & Westerlund H. (2008). Demand, control, and social climate as predictors of emotional exhaustion symptoms in working Swedish men and women. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 36, 737-43.

Wiggins R.D, Netuveli G, Hyde M, Higgs P & Blane D. (2008). The Evaluation of a Self-Enumerated Scale of Quality of Life (CASP-19) in the Context of Research on Ageing: A Combination of Exploratory and Confirmatory Approaches. SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH. 89, 61-77

Wiggins D, Erzberger C, Hyde M, Higgs P & Blane D. (2007). Optimal Matching Analysis Using Ideal Types to Describe the Lifecourse: An Illustration of How Histories of Work, Partnerships and Housing Relate to Quality of Life in Early Old Age. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, 10, 259 – 278

Gilleard G, Hyde M & Higgs P. (2007). Community and Communication in the Third Age: The Impact of Internet and Cell Phone Use on Attachment to Place in Later Life in England. JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES; 62: 276-83

Gilleard C, Hyde M & Higgs P. (2007). The impact of age, place, aging in place, and attachment to place on the well-being of the over 50s in England. RESEARCH ON AGING, 29, 590-605

Hyde M & Jones IR. (2007). The long shadow of work – does time since labour market exit affect the association between socioeconomic position and health in a post-working population. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH, 61, 533-539

Knesebeck OV, Wahrendorf M, Hyde M, et al. (2007). Socio-economic position and quality of life among older people in to European countries: results of the SHARE study. AGEING & SOCIETY, 27, 269-284

Hyde M, Jakub H, Melchior M, Van Oort F & Weyers S. (2006). Comparison of the effects of low childhood socioeconomic position and low adulthood socioeconomic position on self-rated health in four European studies. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH, 60, 882-886

Hyde M, Jappinen P, Theorell T & Oxenstierna G. (2006). Workplace conflict resolution and the health of employees in the Swedish and Finnish units of an industrial company. SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE, 63, 2218-2227

Oxenstierna G, Ferrie J, Hyde M, Westerlund H & Theorell T. (2005). Dual source support and control at work in relation to poor health. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 33, 455-463

Gilleard C, Higgs P, Hyde M, Wiggins R & Blane D. (2005). Class, cohort, and consumption: The British experience of the third age. JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES B-PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 60, S305-S310

Hyde M, Hagberg J, Oxenstierna G, Theorell T & Westerlund H . (2004). Bridges, pathways and valleys: labour market position and risk of hospitalization in a Swedish sample aged 55-63. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 32, 368-373

Wiggins RD, Higgs PFD, Hyde M & Blane DB. (2004). Quality of life in the third age: key predictors of the CASP-19 measure. AGEING AND SOCIETY, 24, 693-708

Blane D, Higgs P, Hyde M & Wiggins RD. (2004). Life course influences on quality of life in early old age. SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE, 58, 2171-2179

Hyde M, Ferrie J, Higgs P, Mein G & Higgs P. (2004). The effects of pre-retirement factors and retirement route on circumstances in retirement: findings from the Whitehall II study. AGEING AND SOCIETY, 24, 279-296

Hyde M & Higgs P. (2004). The shifting sands of time: Results from the English longitudinal study of ageing on multiple transitions in later life. AGEING INTERNATIONAL, 29, 317-322

Higgs P, Mein G, Ferrie, J, Hyde M & Nazroo J. (2003). Pathways to early retirement: structure and agency in decision-making among British civil servants. AGEING AND SOCIETY, 23, 761-778.

Higgs, P, Hyde, M, Wiggins, R & Blane D. (2003). Researching quality of life in early old age: The importance of the sociological dimension. SOCIAL POLICY & ADMINISTRATION, 37, 239-252

Hyde, M, Wiggins, RD, Higgs, P & Blane D. (2003). A measure of quality of life in early old age: the theory, development and properties of a needs satisfaction model (CASP-19). AGING & MENTAL HEALTH, 7, 186-194